“Apprehend God in all things,
    for God is in all things.

Every single creature is full of God
    and is a book about God.

Every creature is a word of God.

If I spent enough time with the tiniest creature —
even a caterpillar —
    I would never have to prepare another sermon. So full of God
        is every creature.”

From Meditations with Meister Eckhart by Matthew Fox, p. 14

I read this short meditation last night before going to sleep. As I drifted off I felt my surroundings and had a realization of a presence in all of it and then in my own being.

It was like I was engulfed at first in what I experienced as living atoms, the very make up of the sheets, blankets, pillows and clothing. And then the living stuff that I am seemed to merge with this living stuff. There was a calm warmth, a gentle joy in this union where I did not disappear, but I felt one with my environment.

I thought of those words, “God is in all things.” The words transformed into an awareness that felt more physical than mental. I had a brief experience that I and all around me are made of the same stuff.

This is something I’ve often thought about with awe–how everything I see is made of these same tiny particles. Now what I felt was more alive than how I had envisioned these particles in the past.

I could easily call this “God” or “Being.”