Life Update 2025-03-01 Current status: (~updated 2025-03-01) Signed up for Discussion: Facing Ruthlessness and Ourselves on March 29th Buying E-books from Kobo instead of Amazon.
Digital Reading - What's New There have been some changes in how I read e-books. I’ve been reading mostly non-fiction books for a little over a year. While I read over half of the books in paper format, I still read a lot in digital.
Why I want to write I sat down just now to try to write in my journal about why I want to write, if I do indeed want to do so. Before starting I looked to see if I’d written about this previously. Turns out I had 5 months ago.
Life Update 2025-01-13 Current status: (~updated 2025-01-13) Diving into “Process Theology” which is fitting in with the changes that have been happening over the past few years with my sense of God. Holding concepts loosely these days. The phrase “God is love” is about the best I can do and that seems to be what everyone I’m reading has for the bottom line.
Life Update 2024-12-21 Current status: (~updated 2024-12-21) Change in routine. I live with my Mom who is 94. At the end of November she fell and dislocated and fractured her shoulder.
Poem in the Night Here’s a note I wrote in my journal on January 12, 2015: Last night I awoke to the rain and had a new thing happen. I began to think of a poem.
Life Update 2024-10-19 Current status: (~updated 2024-10-19) I’ve decided to discontinue the “Now” page. I like the idea, but have decided to put the status updates in the Blog itself. This way notifications will come through RSS.
Your Time, Your Way by Carl Pullein I heard of Carl Pullein on a couple of blog posts on I follow her blog for tips on all sorts of things, especially using plain text.
The One Thing in my life I read The One Thing by Gary Keller hoping to find out why I couldn’t focus and get stuff done.
DRM Removal Plugin and calibre The article How to Remove the DRM on Any Ebook You Own describes how to remove DRM from ebooks and states that it is legal to do so for your personal use. It is illegal to share copies
Thinking about opinions I recently saw this question in a newsletter I subscribe to: “What would it be like if instead of forging opinions, prognosticating, and trying to persuade others
Reading-How and What Recently I heard an avid reader say that they don’t read fiction. That surprised me.
My First Great Audio Tape It was 1974 in Lexington, Kentucky at a friend’s home. I was on leave after Basic Training
Podcasts - Entertain, Enlighten, Educate Bad habit I enjoy I basically listen to podcasts twice a day–while eating breakfast and supper which is 30-45 minutes each session. I know it’s much better too be attentive to the food, but I’m not there yet.
Mystical Experience, Part 2 In an earlier post I said I’d had 3 spiritual experiences that stand out in my memory. There I gave details of the first experience which happened when I was 19 years old. Second experience: Meet the void
Mystical Experience, Part 1 In The Other Side of My Soul edited by Beatrice Bruteau, Wayne Teasdale says that Saccidananda means “the total bliss of being absolutely conscious of the fullness of being.”
Touching the Unconscious without Dreams? I was reading Man and His Symbols by Carl Jung and associates this morning. The book has me reflecting back on key dreams during my life
Wake up call I shopped for groceries as usual on Friday. When I pulled in to park, someone pulled in nose to nose with me.
What Meditation Means to Me I once listened to a podcast from Krista Tippet interviewed David Whyte, a poet-philosopher.