I recently saw this question in a newsletter I subscribe to:

“What would it be like if instead of forging opinions, prognosticating, and trying to persuade others that the imaginal possibility that makes us the least afraid is the best and only option- we just spoke of our fears, our hopes, our desires for a healthier world- from open hearts?”

This question made me reflect on opinions I have. There may be some that are useful to me, especially if they don’t close my mind to any evidence contrary to those opinions. However, there are a huge number of opinions that pop up like weeds–I blurt them out without a thought.

No harm done, because I don’t say these things to the people I have these opinions about. But what is it actually doing to me? I’ve developed this habit through practice. So, I wondered what indeed would it be like if I didn’t forge opinions, because I was beginning to get a sick feeling about this habit. An opportunity to investigate soon came when one of these opinions popped into my head on its way to my mouth. This time I was aware of having it and didn’t verbalize. I then felt a slight shift in my attitude and opinion about the person. It felt right, like being in the flow of what is wholesome. Deep down it’s where I want to be.

It seems to me that not forging an opinion does not mean not thinking. It might even be good thinking to not close off possibilities by forming an opinion, at least not a final opinion. And certainly not an off-handed opinion about another person’s worth. That might include not only negative opinions, but positive as well. So, this will be a new practice for me. I hope that observing my opinions as they arise may lead to change. I’m looking for “practice” not “perfection.”

Not forming opinions seems to be the Taoist way. I’m learning a little about Taoism reading Thomas Merton’s book The Way of Chuang Tzu. Merton puts some of Chuang Tzu’s writing into his own words.

I plan to read Alan Watts’ book What is Tao? to see how he speaks of it. I’ve so enjoyed Watts’ way of communication in the past and am looking forward see what he has to say.

I found this question in Martha Crawford’s newsletter. Her website is What A Shrink Thinks. There’s a signup for her newsletter at the bottom of the page. To read some of her essays look under the “Writing” link in the menu at the top.